Sunday, September 8, 2013

Day 105 "Hypomanic Today"

I slept again very well last night without taking Seroquel which is a good thing. Today my mood was OK most of the day but I had many instances of saying inappropriate things which made me angry because I couldn't control it.  My whole family thinks it's funny when I have these outbursts and don't understand that it upsets me a lot.  When I act like I did today I feel like I'm having a mixed episode.  I definitely need another drug to compliment the Lithium I'm on.  It just has to be a drug that will allow me to be a person and not a zombie.

Today I had lunch with my Mom, cousin, aunt, and uncle.  My uncle tried to eat his food but had to excuse himself and I could hear him throwing up in the bathroom.  The food gets lodged on the nodule in his throat and he can't do anything but throw it up.  It really worries me because the food we were eating was softer.  It just makes me wonder how big the nodule in his throat really is.  I'm going with him tomorrow to see his regular doctor to be a second set of ears and I have a bunch of questions I plan on asking.  My uncle doesn't seem to be worried about himself as much as he's worried about cleaning out his basement.  When I find out more information I will pass it on.

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