Saturday, September 7, 2013

Day 104 "Less Stable More Depressed"

Today I have been pretty depressed all day.  I didn't take the Seroquel again last night because of how it makes me feel.  The Lithium is still doing it's job at keeping me from being manic.  The Klonopin is also helping me to sleep at night but I'm starting to feel depressed again like I did when I was just taking Lithium.  I was very emotional all day and cried on many occasions over nothing.  My car that I just got running has a gas leak so I thought it would be a good idea to get a pan and save what gas I could from it which was a painless job.  I was sobbing the entire time I messed with the car and I didn't know why.

When I took Seroquel it stopped my crying at all dosages and I even felt good some days but at all the dosages I took I was always slow.  It slowed my speech down a lot.  There were also a lot of times when I would slur my words and drool.  But I think the worst part of the drug for me is the sedation it inflicts.  I was so depressed when I was just on Lithium that for a while I didn't care that I looked and acted like a zombie.  Anyway, I know I'm still going to need a replacement medication for the depression.  I just hope that my nurse practitioner can find me something that won't have as many side effects.  I also think that as long as she doesn't mess with my Klonopin I shouldn't need anything for sleep.  However, I used to take Trazodone as needed for sleep and it had no side effects and it's also a mild anti-depressant. 

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