Showing posts with label Esophageal Cancer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Esophageal Cancer. Show all posts

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Day 102 "Another Bad Day For My Family"

Today my mood has been stable but I've been in a low place all day.  I took my uncle to the doctor this afternoon and he found out that he has Esophageal Cancer.  He didn't say a whole lot about it but you could tell that he was shaken up about it.  The prognosis for Esophageal Cancer is very poor at about a 15%  five year survival rate with most patients dying within the first year.  Everything depends on how far along the cancer is and how far in the body its spread.  I don't know all the answers yet but will be keeping my ears open to find out as much as possible.  The doctor today said that his office would be getting my uncle an appointment with an Oncologist as soon as possible so that treatment could begin quickly.

Next to my Dad my uncle is the next most important man in my life.  I have all good memories of him.  When I was a little boy I used to steal his moccasins that he always used to wear.  I have memories of him teaching me how to throw a baseball as a little boy.  I  never was any good but he always made me feel like I was good and getting better.  It doesn't mean anything to anyone else but my uncle bought a really nice truck a number of years ago and I was the first one he let drive it.  He's just always had faith in me and treated me like I was somebody special. 

I'm going to be there for my uncle as much as I can.  He's going to need rides to and from doctor's appointments.  He's going to need help taking care of his yard.  My aunt can't drive anymore and I'm probably going to have to help get her to where she needs to go.  Nobody knows yet what's going to happen and who knows how my uncle will respond to treatment.  I just know that there going to need me and I'm prepared to help them as much as possible.

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