Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Day 233 "Tomorrow's The Day I Start Changing"

I slept last night a little bit.  It wasn't real good sleep and it was with the lights on but I did it.  I can't figure out for the life of me why I have this thing with sleeping with the lights on.  I'm going to research it and get back to you on it.  My mood today was low but I was able to cope.  I didn't have the need to run in the bedroom and go to sleep.  I just have a lot on my plate and know that I'm the only one that can change any of it.  The problem with that is that I don't know if I can handle it all.  I don't know if I have the drive to do what it takes to change.  One part of me is ready to go and the other part of me just stands there like a deer staring in to headlights. 

So tomorrow is the day I decided I was going to start changing my life.  By change I mean lose weight and get my sugar under control.  It doesn't sound like that big of a deal but I don't have anybody helping me with this.  I haven't seen a dietition because I can't afford one and I really don't have any exercise equipment.  I'm going to have to pound the pavement walking and I'm not real fond of having to do that in the middle of winter.  I could go to the park but I don't have a car of my own right now so that's out of the question.  In any event, tomorrow is the day I decided I was going to change some things in my life and I have to try the best I can because I have no other options and I just need to do this for myself.

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