Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Day24 "Application For SSDI DONE"

I didn’t get to bed again last night till late and then had to get up and go to Social Security Office this morning.  I talked to Mr. Baker and he said my claim was all good and all I had to do was wait for a decision and that I may also have to go for a psych evaluation with one of their doctors.   I got into to see him about 910am and was out of there about 935am.  He also got me to apply for SSI as well which I kind of don’t understand why but I went with it.   My overall mood was better today but I still didn’t have very much energy and spent the entire afternoon in bed. 

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Day 23 "Another Night Of Hypomania"

I didn’t fall asleep until late last night and I looked at porn for two hours last night before I fell asleep.  I wasn’t as manic as I was a month ago but definitely hypomanic.  I finally got out of bed around 430pm today but did get up twice to use the bathroom.  My mood was low this evening and I have been kind of depressed since getting up.  I just want to get this bipolar under control.  Everybody keeps telling me to be patient and my family thinks I’m nuts.  I’m going to keep going with the flow, one day at a time.  I just feel a lot like there’s no hope for me and it’s hard to change that feeling. 

I got my SSDI stuff all together and I’m going to office tomorrow to make sure I’m on the right track in getting everything together.  I kind of feel like that’s a waste of my time too and that there’s no hope.  I have only told Mom and my cousin and I think they both think that I’m trying to get a free ride.  I just really don’t have anyone to talk to about any of it and I’m just plain scared about everything.  I just want to be normal and be able to support myself.  I know I say that all the time but it’s just how I feel. 

Ok, I’m starting to get a little weepy so it’s time for me to stop now.  I didn’t binge or purge again today and that is a good thing.  I sure would love to have a cup of coffee.  It’s like the one thing I really enjoy and I can’t have it because of the caffeine and I hate decaf.  I mowed the yard tonight with the tractor and the vibration of the mower made my body ache.  I stopped twice for a break and I just wish there was somebody else to take care of mowing.  I used to enjoy it a lot but now I would rather not.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Day 22 "Low Mood Kind Of Day"

Last night I got to sleep really late again, it was after 4 that I went to bed.  I fell asleep in bout an hour I was say.  The last time I looked at the clock it was just before 5.  I slept until 230pm but did manage to get up at 8 and take my pills.  The cell phone has been a life saver for me concerning taking my pills on time and not forgetting.  I drank a lot of water today (14glasses) and did not binge or purge.  I had a huge appetite today and of course we had to eat out because that’s all my Mom ever wants to do.  I’ve kind of given up on my diet and I’ve gained about 12 pounds in the last two weeks.  My mood was low all day today and I tried working in the yard for a few minutes today but I just couldn’t.  The neighbor was outside and she always wants to chat and I just don’t.   It totally makes me get a ton of anxiety and I just want to go off so I went in the house and went back in to my room till dinner.  It was an overall blah kind of day.  I hope tomorrow is better.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Day 21 "Somewhat Hypersexual Today"

Last night I again couldn’t fall asleep and watched the clock half the night despite taking Klonopin before going to bed.  When I did finally fall asleep I slept for close to ten hours and I didn’t want to get up but I did and felt ok.  I took all my pills as scheduled today, drank a lot of water, and did not binge or purge.   My energy level today has been normal all day for the first time in a long time.  My appetite as usual has been big.  I want to eat everything and need to remind myself that I did manage to lose 30 pounds…well now its 20 because I gained back 10 since I’ve been on medications.  I would say half is due to the meds and the other half is me.  I wasn’t as hypersexual today as I was yesterday but still thought about sex a lot today and did look at some porn. 

However, I still get really angry and have a complete hatred for everybody.  I’m completely bothered by what others do and it just stresses me out to know end.   I drove my Mom to eat today and on a little ride and I was irritable about everything around me.   I usually have some sort of outburst that everyone thinks is funny and it almost make me cry because they just don’t understand that I can’t help it.  I just want it to stop.  I’m still having anxiety when I’m in the car and have fears about crazy stuff happening.  The Klonopin has helped with some of my anxiety but I have a bunch more it hasn’t touched yet.  It really doesn’t do a whole lot for my sleep either.  I would like to see if we could up both the doses a little and maybe put it to three times a day for the anxiety and then maybe she could add something for sleep that.  I see her in a week and we’ll see what she says. Other than a little dizziness and being unsteady on my feet the Lithium seems to be doing ok and I don’t hate it and am not crying like I was the first few weeks.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Day 20 "Angry Today"

Last night I had another night where I couldn’t sleep and was up and down during the night.  I haven’t had any suicidal thoughts today.  I did not binge or purge today.  My energy when I got up was low and leveled out during the day but I tried working  in the yard at my cousins and I just couldn’t.  I had to quit and sit down.  I even tried waiting til the sun was down but it made me feel like crap. 

I ate with my Lithium tonight but felt a little sick to my stomach and all I wanted to do was sleep.  I slept in the chair and ended up with a sore back and neck.  When I went to get up my balance was off a little too.  I’ve noticed on several occasions that my balance has been off since I started taking Lithium. 

I was particularly angry today.  I mean I always say that I hate all people, and that they all need to "die in a fire" but here are just some people that I see and I will say the most nasty things about.   These outbursts come from nowhere sometimes.  I can be in a great mood and it can be a person's expression, something on television, a noise, or just about anything.  As I’m getting older it’s getting worse and the more upset it makes me.  My heart races and I get racing thoughts right now of hateful thoughts.  The part that makes me so upset is that my family laughs and thinks it's the funniest thing when I have these outbursts.

Friday, June 14, 2013

Day 19 "Had A Hypomanic Night"

Last night I tried going to sleep at a normal time but it didn’t happen.  I thought the Klonopin was supposed to kind of knock me out.  I think it eases my anxiety somewhat but I’m still kind of on edge.  So it does do a little for the anxiety but it really doesn’t make me drowsy.  I didn’t fall asleep till after 3am. 

Today I felt a little like my old self.  I’ve been taking the Lithium as prescribed but today I was very hypersexual and ended up looking at porn half the night.  I have the attention span of a turtle when I get like that, it’s really weird.  So today I’ve been a little depressed, had some anxiety ,and have had some hypomania.  Can you say mixed episode?  Why can’t it be one or the other.  Why does it have to be both?  I just have to stay focused and keep on my treatment.  Everything is going to work out I hope. 

I did manage to get a doctors appointment on July 16th at the hospital clinic to get my thyroid and sugar addressed.  I sure hope  that everything is ok and that I’m going to be ok.  I have a long road ahead of me but I just am trying to focus on the end result of being in control of this illness and getting to enjoy life a little.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Day 18 "Had A Rapid Change In Mood"

Last night my sleep was restless.  I got up and got on the computer for a little while to relax but it wasn’t happening.  I even sat outside for a spell and while it was nice I still had a hard time falling asleep.  Once I did fall asleep I had some pretty crazy dreams.  I dreamed that I lost control of my car on 77 going around a turn in the winter and drove off the road and ended up on someone’s property.  In the dream once it was daylight the weather was warm.  Anyway I was able to drive the car away but the people that owned the property said they wouldn’t call the cops if we came back and cleaned the red paint that was all over their windows.  

My brother, who I don't see very often put a ceiling fan up that I bought over four years ago.  I did have a little meltdown because I didn’t have the right size bulb and looked in the manual and went to wally world and bought what the manual said and it was wrong as well.  I was so angry that I wanted to smash something.  My mood changed so quickly and I couldn’t control it for a minute.  That used to happen to me at work all the time when changes would occur. 

I started filling out my SSDI application out online and theres a lot too it.  I think I will be going to Social Security next week with required documents and to go over what I’ve submitted.  Anyway, I’m done for the night and going to go look at some cars on ebay…lol  I’ve done that just about everyday even when Im really hypersexual and want sex.  Goodnight!

“Thanksgiving 2018”

What I'm Thankful for This Thanksgiving 2008 This is what I’m thankful for this Thanksgiving!  • I have been out of work for two...