Saturday, October 5, 2013

Day 132 "Not Sure If My Present Medications Are Right For Me"

Last night I got about six hours of sleep and that's been about what I've been sleeping on average a night.  Today I didn't feel bad but again was hypomanic and hypersexual.  I had this need to get things done yesterday.  I washed clothes, cleaned the kitchen, garaged, and rearranged the living room.  I'm not all that disappointed that I was like this because I was productive and that felt good.  However, I began to notice that I was hypersexual and began cruising the internet looking for sex.  It then hit me that all the cleaning I was doing was what I used to do when I was preparing to have someone over and that's what my goal tonight.

Right now I'm upset with myself and angry that I found nobody at the same time.  I could take somebodies head off I'm so angry right now.  This past week I started taking more Lithium and I know I've only been on it a week but this hypersexual behavior has to stop.  It's dangerous to have sex with total strangers and it's something that happens when I'm manic and hypomanic.  I can't control it and it scares me.  I see my therapist this coming Wednesday and we have some things to talk about.  I need a solution or I'm going to go nuts.  You would think with the amount of medication I take I wouldn't be having as many problems.

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