Friday, November 30, 2012

1981 Year Review Age 9

Click the mood chart to enlarge.

June 1981 – April/May 1982
  • All the kids on our street used to play every day during the summer and we would all congregate at our neighbor’s house who happened to be the local vet.  He had a son who was a grade lower than me but we were only about six months apart if that.  Anyway he always had ropes and cap guns and we would play war a lot and he was always the captain and made all the rules.  Anyway we were hiding in the bushes and I and another neighbor boy were his prisoners and as his prisoners he made us give him oral sex.  After that instance and for my entire fourth grade year he was obsessed with performing this act on a couple of us and having it done back to him.  He also managed to penetrate the one boy. I always wanted to tell my parents but was afraid they would think I was lying as well as what they would think of me.  This is the first time I’ve ever told anyone this.  I would also have to say that my bed wetting became much worse during the fourth grade and I developed a bad rash that used to burn so bad.  So I didn’t take my clothes off after a time.  I guess it was a way out for me. 

  • Started 4th grade
September 1981 – May 1982
  • In addition to the sexual problems I was having with the neighbor boy down the streat I had a lot of problems that carried over from the previous grades. 
  • I was slow at what I did do and had to rely alot on my Mom to help me get through wich she did. 
  • This was the first year we switched classes and I had trouble concentrating with all my studies. 
  • My teacher was a really mean teacher and threatened to paddle students all the time. 
  • If you did poor on a subjuect you would likely  be sent to the principals office where he woud threaten to hit you. 
  • The fourth grade was the most miserable school year I ever had.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

1980 Year Review Age 8

Click the mood chart to enlarge.

  • First Communion, Catholic Church
  • Started 3rd grade
September 1980 – May 1981
  • Didn't see the school psychologist anymore or the school. 
  • My teacher made learning fun and made you want to be there. 
  • He took a genuine interest in all his students and would help anyone in need. 
  • This was the first year of homework and he would assign a lot of it. 
  • I usually had three or four books of homework a night. 
  • There were many nights where I just struggled and I would give up after the time had hit midnight. 
  • My Mom would a lot of times do the reading work for me and give me the answers so that I could finish. 
  • I continued to have a reading problem in the third grade and could not kep up with the rest of the class. 
  • We had a Read-A-Thon and were supposed  to read ten books in a nine week period and I only finished three. 
  • This was the first year that a teacher encouraged me to do better and like school.
  • My desk and locker during the third grade were a complete disaster from day one. 
  •  I could never find anything and at that early of an age it made me feel stupid.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

1979 Year Review Age 7

Click the mood chart to enlarge.

  • Started 2nd grade

September 1979 – May 1980
  • Didn't see the school psychologist anymore but did recieve tutoring from the school tudor.
  • I still had a focus problem and would ofte get in trouble for day dreaming. 
  • I got through the second grade alright but most of that was because I was pushed by my teacher.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

1978 Year Review Age 6

Click the mood chart to enlarge.

Started 1st grade

September 1978 – May 1979
  • Continued seeing the school psychologist because of the way I was acting at school. 
  • I don’t remember a whole lot about it since I was on five or six years old but I can remember having to talk to this man periodically and it was done in the main office area. 
  • Sometime during first grade the psychologist again tried to tell my Mother that I had ADD and wanted me to be on Ritalin.  
  • She again consulted my pediatrician and they concluded I was just a happy little boy. 
  • I haven’t talked about this with my Mom for many years because it makes her mad all over again that someone would say that her child has something wrong.

In my opinion, I was always anxious.  I liked to have a good time and with that came a listening problem.  I would just act out and do whatever I wanted.  This usually got me in trouble.  I always seemed to be on th go. I had a hard time concentrating as well.  During the first grade my lack of concentration had an effect on my reading and I had to be tutored to keep up.

Monday, November 26, 2012

1977 Year Review Age 5

Click the mood chart to enlarge.

  • Started Kindergarten

September 1977 – May 1978
  • Started seeing the school psychologist because of the way I was acting at school. 
  • I don’t remember a whole lot about it since I was on five or six years old but I can remember having to talk to this man periodically and it was done in the main office area. 
  • Sometime during kindergarten the psychologist tried to tell my Mother that I had ADD and wanted me to be on Ritalin.  
  • She consulted my pediatrician and they concluded I was just a happy little boy. 
  • I haven’t talked about this with my Mom for many years because it makes her mad all over again that someone would say that her child has something wrong.

In my opinion, I was always anxious.  I liked to have a good time and with that came a listening problem.  I would just act out and do whatever I wanted.  This usually got me in trouble.  I always seemed to be on th go. I had a hard time concentrating as well.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

1972 Birth

Click the mood chart to enlarge.


  • June 10, 1972, Born

  • Baptized, Catholic Church

“Thanksgiving 2018”

What I'm Thankful for This Thanksgiving 2008 This is what I’m thankful for this Thanksgiving!  • I have been out of work for two...